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Topics in this issue:
1 - Coach your own child
2 - Public workshops
- Coach your own child |
Many parents feel overwhelmed by the competition and stress they see their children going through in school. Most feel
helpless beyond sending their child to a series of extra tuition and enrichment classes. Some parents even go to the extend of going back to class to study the new Maths, or whatever, so that they could teach the subject to their children. Admirable gesture, but totally unnecessary.

Over the next few issues I will share strategies and techniques how parents can help
their children perform much better in school without being the subject (i.e. Maths, Science, language etc) expert and without adding the stress of sending them to extra and expensive tuition. Through simple daily contacts (which I call coaching sessions)
There are seven underlying strategies parents need to do in order to help their children perform better in school.
The 1st if these is Presence. By presence, I mean the physical and mental attendance when you are with your child. The physical act of touching, hugging and caressing is essential for a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development.
Make a point to engage in eye contact when interacting with your child. Eye contact happens when two pairs of eyes look INTO each other at least for a couple of seconds. Studies have proven that the more two individuals like each other the more is their eye contact with each other. Conversely, when two people dislike each other they will avert or completely cease making eye contact.
To the child, making eye contact is important because it is a form of acknowledging her presence in your eyes. Frequently that is enough for the child to feel loved. Noting is more hurtful to a child (or anyone for that matter) than to be ignored. Most people can cope with other people’s feeling of dislike or even hate for them but to be ignored of their existence is something that question their very identity and existence.
Morale: Be present for your child – not just physically but mentally.
workshop Schedule: |
Look out for the next Neuro Linguistic Programming /Humanistic Neuro linguistic Programming /Time-based Techniques Certification training with Competence Strategies International scheduled in June 05.
take your NLP
Certification Training
with Competence
Here are at least 3
reasons: |
will be trained and certifie d
by at least 2 International
Certified NLP Trainers.
Your certificate will bear the
signatures of these 2 trainers -
as recommended by the UK
Association of NLP and practiced
by most major NLP Institutes in
US, UK and Europe.
will be exposed to the latest
NLP techniques developed by NLP
pioneers, which trainers of
Competence Strategies
International are associated
with - Neuro-Energetics, NLP
University, NLP Comprehensive,
NLP Academy (UK), John Grinder,
Carmen Bostic, the Ericksonian
Foundation, etc.
will learn beyond the “normal
NLP syllabus” with topics like
the Money Clinic™ developed by
Tim and Kris Halbom (NLP of
California) available as a
separate workshop only in major
western cities like San
Francisco, London, Sydney etc.
short, training with us is not
just about getting a recognised
certification (that’s a given)
but really about acquisition of
real life and usable skills of
excellence. Those were the
objectives of the original NLP
write to enquire or register at

Abidin Rahman
Certified Trainer of NLP and
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy
9th Apr 2005
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International Pte Ltd
Email: enquiry@competencestrat
: Mindajaya Global Sdn Bhd